Trader Applies Saliva On Fruits: Mischief Or Habitual Impulse?

4 Apr, 2020 15:53 IST

(While the country is crippled by the nationwide lockdown, social media is thriving on the curfew-like life with hordes of thought-provoking videos.) What you are seeing here is a Youtube video, which is evoking outrage and condemnation for its shock element. A fruit-seller is seen in this video nonchalantly applying saliva on every fruit he is sorting out. The video is turning out to be a major cause for the netizens' consternation especially in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus, which has already killed more than 50,000 people globally, is known to transmit among humans primarily through saliva or its droplets coming from coughing. Infuriated by the nauseating visual, many began seeing this as a 'deliberate mischief' and a 'conspiracy'. But some others preferred giving the street vendor the benefit of doubt assuming it to be an old habit that is just refusing to die down. But either way, what is certain is that the fruit-seller is putting many lives at risk, especially in the present precarious situation in the country..

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