There is a suspicion that there might be 200 militants and sympathizers trained in Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The poor and the unemployed are instigated to sacrifice their lives for Jehad. They are also assured that their families will be looked after well. They are taken to the secret training camps in Pakistan and Bangladesh. The route to Pakistan is from Dubai with the pretext of showing them some employment and from the border towns of Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan. The border towns on either side of India and Nepal serve another route to Bangladesh where they are given training in militancy.
The militants are trained not to reveal any information under severe interrogation methods used by the police. The trained militants are sent back to India through the travel agents. These militants live like ordinary citizens carrying on their normal life but sending information to particular persons through the internet, e-mails, and phone calls. Sleeper cells are behind the scenes sending information, but those who are in the striking modules participate in the attacks and plant the bombs.
The investigating authorities say that there might be 200 sleeper cells in Hyderabad.
The conspiracy to plant the explosives in Dilsuknagar might have been hatched in the country beyond our country’s border, but it was implemented by the people living here. The investigating authorities confirm that the sleeper cells and striking modules in our country are the villains who inflicted on us this tragedy.
The Counter Intelligence mentions a number of terrorist modules who might be operating in Hyderabad - Indian Mujahuddin ,Hizbul Mujahuddin, Harkatul Jehade Islami, All –Jehadi , Jaish e Mohaummad, Muslim Defence force, Shahed Bilal Module, Ikhdamul Muslimin, Asghar Ali Module, Salim Junaid, Vali Ahmad Module are some of the militant outfits who participated in various terrorist activities.
It was Shahed Bilal in Hyderabad who started the scheme of enticing the youth who had gone to the Gulf for livelihood to join the militants. He was also supposed to have played a keen role in turning some of the militants into human bombs. Indian Mujhahuddin also work on similar lines. Razeeuddin and Nasir Umrao were sent to Dubai, and their relative Khaleel persuaded them to join the militants. There are some who go to Bangladesh from Calcutta. The border towns of West Bengal - Patropal, Rana ghat, Bastghat, Benegav,and Gidda are rife with the gangs who send militants across the border.
Training in Counter Interrogation
The militants are given knowledge of the different interrogation methods used by different states. They are given training in facing the most severe interrogation and not revealing any information. The militants are brain washed to give their lives for Jehad. After training, they are sent back to India and lead the lives of normal citizens. The sleeper modules and the striking teams are never given information about each other.
The man who was connected to the serial blasts in Ahmadabad in Gujarat worked as an English teacher in a madarasa. No one knew his identity as a militant until his arrest. Sleeper cells which would take part in an attack are sent across the border immediately so that information about the entire organization is kept safe.
Conspiracy for a double blast
The militants use a ‘double blast technique’ to create greater damage.
They set off one bomb and plant another one close by anticipating that the people will rush towards it in their panic.The Maharashtra Anti-terrorist squad had asked the Hyderabad police to concentrate on Yasin Bhathkal and his followers and also Thabraze ( Ajamghad,) and Vakar Ahmad who were responsible for the blasts in Pune. The CCTV footages showed these two carrying the bags with bombs on cycles. These blasts might be the joint work of Lashkar e thoeba and Indian Mujahiddeen.
- Sakshipost