The Pawan Puzzle!!!

10 Sep, 2016 13:01 IST|Sakshi
Look London... See Tokyo

What did Pawan Kalyan achieve with his Kakinada lecture? Well! That’s trademark Pawan Puzzle for you!!

It appears Pawan show’s bottom line is how to take the wind out of the sails of YSRCP’s movement for special state status and to rob the initiative from it. His attempt seems more like an effort to drive divisions in the pro-Special State Category Status sentiment than to strengthen it. The aim seems to be to let off Telugu Desam rather than cornering it, weaken the movement rather than to augment it.

The crowds surged at his meeting. They roared as Pawan ranted. The turnout was indeed impressive. And Pawan spoke like a rabble-rouser and his histrionics were in full display. But, questions still remain, doubts still expressed and clarifications still sought on what Pawan spoke. The problem with Pawan Kalyan is that he is loud, but not clear!!

* No Route Map: Though he rooted for Special Category Status, he failed to present a route map. He did not tell anyone how he would lead the masses. He was like a Moses who didn’t know where to take his flock to. Nor do his followers know whence from here.

* No Slamming of TDP: Also conspicuous is the way Pawan Kalyan chose to remain soft on Telugu Desam. His rhetoric likening the special package as rotten and stale laddus given by the Centre, was not backed up by criticising the TDP Government, which gleefully accepted it and has even gone on record lauding it.

* Target YSRCP: His angry perorations notwithstanding, Pawan stopped short of asking people to take a war path. It was also clear that he did not back the YSRCP’s bandh call. He specifically asked the students to focus on studies and employees to keep working. Why was he, indirectly though, asking people to stay away from bandh? Quite significantly, he did not utter one word about YSRCP’s relentless struggle for Special State Status - not even passingly.

What next?

Wait next for another show, another time. Meanwhile allow the Power (less) Star to say “Aaa kikke Verappaaaa!!!” shrugging off his shoulders and pushing back his hair carelessly.

* Benefit of Doubt for Modi? While he was particularly harsh on Venkaiah Naidu, he did not mention Modi’s name even once in his speech. He wasn’t as harsh on other key North Indian leaders of the BJP either. Also notable is the fact that there were no Hindi and English exhortations specifically meant for national leadership. In fact, his Tirupati address contained such exhortations. So what transpired between Tirupati and Kakinada?

It appears Pawan show’s bottom line is how to take the wind out of the sails of YSRCP’s movement for special state status and to rob the initiative from it. His attempt seems more like an effort to drive divisions in the pro-Special State Category Status sentiment than to strengthen it. The aim seems to be to let off Telugu Desam rather than cornering it, weaken the movement rather than to augment it.

In the end, it appears that the Kakinada show is nothing but Gabbar Singh version III. What next!! Wait next for another show, another time. Meanwhile allow the Power (less) Star to say “Aaa kikke Verappaaaa!!!” shrugging off his shoulders and pushing back his hair carelessly.

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