Shabbir, Ponguleti among 5 Cong MLCs

10 Mar, 2013 17:39 IST|Sakshi
Shabbir, Ponguleti among 5 Cong MLCs

The Congress party announced its candidates for five MLC posts on Sunday.

PCC chief Botsa Satyanarayana said the party would think whether to field sixth candidate or not tomorrow. Former minister Shabbir Ali from Nizamabad, AICC secretary Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy from Khammam were among the five MLC candidates. The other MLC candidates are : Kolagatla Veerabhadra Swamy, DCC president of Vizianagar and Santosh Kumar of Karimnagar DCC president and Lakshmi Sivakumari of East Godavari.


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