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Obscene dances at Annavaram temple complex

12 Mar, 2016 13:38 IST|Sakshi
Obscene dances at Annavaram temple complex

Kakinada: In a shocking incident, obscene dances were organised at a wedding function atop the holy pilgrimate centre of Annavaram. Though aware that the dances were being performed, the temple authorities chose not to act.

The dance programme was arranged as part of the wedding function at Harihara Sadan near the temple. They were meant to 'entertain' the guests. TDP Sarpanch Haribabu, mandal parishad president Yadla Bhethaludu too shook a leg with the dancers.

The obscene dances drew strong reaction from the devotees, who said such programmes were a blot on the temple administration and that they would affect the sanctity of the temple.

When contacted, the temple Executive officer said that a criminal case would be filed against the organisers. He said the dances happened at 3 AM and escaped his attention. He said CCTV footage would be examined and action would be initiated against the culprits.

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