Colors Kannada created history by re-launching the Bigg Boss season 8 under a second inning. The show makers made a bold step in continuing the season as it was suspended due to the second wave of Coronavirus. The second innings of Kannada Bigg Boss is also receiving a thumping response from fans and the public.
Now as per the latest news the show makers seem to be promoting Manju Pavagada a lot. It is being said that the BBK8 makers might be planning to make contestant Manju Pavagada the winner of Kannada season 8. There have been several videos that portrayed Aravind KP in good light, but last night his fight with Nidhi seemed to have damaged his image to quite an extent.
Some of the show buffs are saying that Aravind is an arrogant person and he never listens to anyone. With people talking badly about him or whether they have developed a negative impression is all probably due to last night's episode. It is being speculated that Sudeep and Colors Kannada are not interesting in declaring Aravind KP as a winner, as he has been portrayed in a negative manner leading the audience to change their opinions about him.
Likewise, Netizens are thinking that Colors Kannada is wantedly promoting Manju to defame Aravind KP. Probably, they might have done so to get TRPs ratings and not to hurt anyone and this could just be a ploy to make Manju Pavagada winner of Kannada Bigg Boss season 8. Either way the ultimate decision will depend upon the majority of votes. Whoever bags the highest votes will clinch the title! Let us wait and see…