Congress party on Sunday issued show cause notice to Bhongir MP Komatireddy Venkat Reddy in connection with the phone call audio clip which went viral on social media. The party also sought a reply from the MP within 10 days as to why disciplinary action not be taken against him as per the provisions of the constitution of the Indian National Congress.
This development came after the Telangana Congress unit incharge Manickam Tagore had brought the phone call issue to the notice of party’s disciplinary committee.
In the phone call, the MP is heard asking a Congress leader to support his brother Raj Gopal Reddy and vote for him in the by-election. He is also heard saying that he will become the next chief of Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) and that he will undertake a march in the state and bring the Congress party to power.
The Congress leader distanced himself from the campaign and later went on a vacation to Australia on October 14 and will only return after the election.
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