If you visit Bachannapet village in Jangaon district one of these days, you would find a man sitting in the middle of the lake and doing meditation. No... He is not doing meditation for any spiritual purpose. He is actually doing all these rituals to propitiate the God so that Donald Trump wins the US presidential election.
Meet B Krishna, who is more popularly known as Trump Krishna. A great fan of Donald Trump, he had done the same thing during the last US presidential election and has even constructed a small temple for Trump right in front of his home in the village. This time too, he is performing special poojas to Trump. Despite predictions to the contrary, he is cock-sure that Trump will come back to power for another term.
He also says that even if Trump loses the election, his love for Trump would not diminish. He said there would be no change in his stance even if trump loses the election. “I love Sehwag. Just because Yuvraj Singh plays well in a couple of matches, I cannot stop loving Sehwag,” he quips. He says Modi and Trump together will work to contain China’s expansionist designs.
Interestingly, Krishna sold off his 5 acre-land for the medical treatment of his mother. With the money remaining after paying the medical bills, he constructed a temple for Trump. He lives in a rented house these days.