Waste Management: Telangana To Set Up Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants

3 Mar, 2021 12:53 IST|Sakshi Post

Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants in 71 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Telangana.

Hyderabad:  Waste management in Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in Telangana, the State government started setting up Faecal Sludge Treatment Plants (FSTPs) in 71 ULBs.

About 8,900 public toilets are constructed across the State by the Government, They are focusing now on handling and treating the waste scientifically since septage is much more polluting than domestic sewage, Commissioner and Director Municipal Administration N Satyanarayana told Telangana today.

“Telangana is the first State to recognise the need for disruptive and safe sanitation solution through faecal sludge and septage management. Emphasis is on towns and municipalities which lack comprehensive underground drainage system,” he said, adding that the State Government has begun setting up FSTPs with a total installed capacity to handle 1,565 kilolitres a day.

Work has started for FSTPs in 71 ULBs works in clusters. Each cluster consists of 10 to 11 ULBs. The project cost for setting up FSTPs in the 71 ULBs including capital and operational expenditure for ten years is Rs 250.68 crore.

Operations at a couple of plants commenced last week. Sharing images of FSTP at Nirmal on February 26, Municipal Administration and Urban Development Principal Secretary Arvind Kumar had tweeted: “A 30 KLD FSTP was inaugurated at Nirmal town. This State of the art treatment system involves thermal treatment for 100 percent pathogen kill.”

Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) is a suitable method for FSTP development. Here, 60 percent of capital expenditure is being paid by the State Government during the construction period and the balance of 40 percent of capital expenditure along with operational expenditure for a period of 9.5 years will be paid in 38 installments. After the 10th year of operation, ownership of the plant will be transferred to the ULBs.

 “Niti Aayog has now recommended the Telangana model of HAM to other States in the recently launched advisory on Faecal Sludge and Septage Management-2021,” Satyanarayana said.

Administrative sanction of Rs 26 crore

The State government has sanctioned Rs 26 crore for setting up FSTPs in the 68 newly-constituted ULBs. Detailed Project Reports (DPRs), designs, and BoQs, bill of quantities, have been prepared and tenders will be floated to execute the works soon.

Measures to be taken by ULB’s for effective FSSM:
To sustain the FSSM agenda at ULB level and to ensure efficient operation of FSTPs, municipalities and municipal corporations have been urged to follow these suggestions:
Licensing and monitoring (using GPS) of private desludging operators
Planning and implementing scheduled desludging (once every three years)
Capacity building of the ULB officials and other stakeholders towards FSSM
Conducting campaigns to create awareness among communities.
Ensure workers’ safety and wellbeing – usage of PPE, insurance, health checks ups

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