Why Do Newspapers Have Four Multicolored Dots At The Bottom?

18 Apr, 2022 15:59 IST|Sakshi Post

For many people, reading the newspaper first thing in the morning has become a habit. Some people prefer reading the newspaper word for word, from the main page through the sports section. They look forward to Sunday's episode in particular. With so many extra entertainment categories, it's easy to become lost. Sunday horoscopes, cartoons, and even the occasional sudoku puzzle. To think about it, a newspaper has so much more information for each individual.

However, you may have seen the four coloured dots or shapes written on the bottom of the newspaper while reading it. Have you ever wondered what it means? Or why are those particular colours printed on it? So, today, we'd like to enlighten our readers a little bit.

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These colours are known as CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black), and they serve as the foundation for all printing colours. Using them in the right proportions, you can get any colour. All of these colour plates are placed out independently on a page and aligned up in the same position during printing. This is required to correctly print a full-colour image. You'll notice the colours are overlapping or not in the same line if the photographs are fuzzy and not clear enough.

When the plates of various colours do not line up, it indicates that the image was not correctly registered. The marker is also used to determine the colour density and dot creation.

A newspaper printing house would print a large number of publications every day. This makes it difficult for someone to physically inspect every page of every newspaper. This is where these hues come into play. They assist the printer in detecting any inconsistencies in printing and distinguishing them from the good batch.

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