NDA First Batch Exam Held For Girls, Deets Inside

15 Nov, 2021 09:45 IST|Sakshi Post

The NDA's First Batch Exam was held for female candidates; details are provided below.

Hyderabad: On Sunday, less than two months after the Supreme Court granted girls admission to the exclusive National Defence Academy, the first batch of female aspirants took the UPSC-administered written part of the entrance test.

Josh was high. And one thing was obvious by its near absence if you stood outside any of the exam centres: parents chaperoning the girls. Many of the people the media met with smiled and stated their parents had no idea they were trying for the NDA. Others stated they didn't have to persuade their parents since they were overjoyed when they learned their daughter wanted to join the military.

Around 75% of the females who had enrolled showed up for the exam, which was a fantastic turnout. Those that qualify will participate in a five-day SSB, which is one of the toughest and most memorable 'interviews' in the country. Many of them had left in the small hours of the morning from far-flung areas to arrive by 8.30 a.m. for muster.

 In Indore, Class 12 student Divya Patel, who had come from Pithampur, looked around and said: "It feels good to be here; like being part of history. I’m hoping I’ll get through, but even otherwise, I can say I was among the first."

Some of the candidates had military backgrounds, but the majority — more than 60% — wanted to be the first faujis in their families.

Candidates complained that they didn't have enough time to study for the exam.

"We didn’t know if girls would be allowed in this year or the next," said Bhaskar. On September 22, the Supreme Court rejected the government’s request to defer the exam till next year. "We gave hope to the girls. We cannot deny them that hope now," the SC said.

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