Despite the measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh Government for the welfare and well-being of the employees, certain articles have been published in the Eenadu and other newspapers stating that there is a delay in the payment of salaries and pensions to the employees and pensioners. The AP Finance department on Saturday issued a clarification explaining the measures taken by the AP Government for the welfare of the employees.
The Special Chief Secretary of Finance has also warned publications of legal action as per the law of the land if such articles are published which are not based on the actual facts & are defamatory in nature.
In the years since its formation in 2014, the state finances have borne the severe impact of the unscientific bifurcation & the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the tough challenges, this Government has taken a series of measures to ensure that salaries and pensions are paid on time. On average 90-95% of the salary and pension bills will be passed by the Treasury by the last working day of the month and the same are released before 5,h of the following month depending on the RBI/Bank holidays, ways & means position of the state. The remaining bills will be passed as and when they are cleared by the Treasury. This is the general practice earlier as well as at present.
The general allegations that the salaries and pensions are getting delayed during the current Government based on very rare exceptions don't truly reflect the ground reality.
Instructions were issued to all the DDOs to start processing the salary and pension bills from the 16th itself and complete by the 24th of the month and the Treasury to complete the Audit by month's end so that salaries and pensions for the majority can be paid on the first working day of the following month' In addition to the regular employees and pensioners, this Government took special efforts to make payment in time to several scheme based employees like Asha Workers, Anganwadis, Mid-day meal Cook cum Helpers, Home Guards, VOAs, RPs, Tribal Community Workers, professionals, contract employees, etc., and ensuring that everyone gets paid before 21st of the month.
The government created a separate organization "APCOS" to take care of the interest of outsourced employees and the top priority given to releasing salaries of outsourced employees. The government is giving top priority to the welfare of employees as it recognizes Human resources as the most significant asset of the Government.
Andhra Pradesh State Finance Department releases detailed note/ rejoinder as a response to the recently published articles on employee welfare and delay in payment of salaries and pensioners.
— FactCheck.AP.Gov.in (@FactCheckAPGov) January 22, 2023
The contentions made in the articles are not correct. 1/3 pic.twitter.com/GyZR60g38H
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