Father throws girl child into empty well

20 Mar, 2013 14:20 IST|Sakshi
Father throws girl child into empty well

That female infanticide is rare in India is only a misconception. One of the most disgusting incidents happened in Hyderabad last night.

A father killed his 8-month-old daughter at Rajendra nagar.
According to reports, Raghavulu, a native of Mahbubnagar married Alevelu ten years ago. Raghavulu was a daily wage labourer. They couple shifted to Gandipet a few months back.

They had two daughters—one, 8-year-old and another a 8-month-old baby girl. Unhappy over not begetting a boy child, Raghavulu in a fit of rage, threw the baby girl into an empty  well. The residents who heard the news thrashed him black and blue and handed him over to the police.

The investigation by the Narsingh police revealed shocking facts about the baby's death. It was found that Raghavulu first killed the baby by strangling her neck and later threw her body into the well.

The offender father admitted to his crime saying he was driven to take this extreme step as he was unhappy over the birth of a girl child for second time in a row.

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