The fourth season of the signature acting reality show Drama Juniors Championship on Zee Telugu came to an end on 7th July. The show served as a perfect platform for children around the age of 4 to 14 to present their acting skills. Vijay, Trivedi, Roshan, Vignesh, Sharma, Rupika, Haasini, Padmavathi, Jahnavi, Divya Roopa and Vaishnavi from Season 2 of the Drama Juniors series were announced as the winners of Drama Juniors Championship on Sunday.
The young prodigies won a trophy and a prize money of Rs. 5 lakhs. The contestants of Season 3 and Season 1 were announced as the first and second runner-up, respectively. The finale was hosted by the multitalented anchor Sreemukhi, and judged by Ali, Anasuya Bharadwaj and Omkar.
At the grand finale, the tiny tots presented some exemplary performances to keep the audience entertained. Sreemukhi, who is also an ace actress, for the first time, performed a heart touching emotional act that left everyone in tears and garnered accolades from the judges and the audiences.
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