12 people from Lakshmi Nagar in Delhi had complained of money being debited from their accounts t the same time. It was later found that they were victims to ATM Fraud. All 12 had reportedly withdrawn money from one particular Punjab National Bank ATM. They suspect that the ATM had a card skimmer.
Card skimmers are these little contraptions that fits itself on the card slots. While you swipe your card through the ATM, these skimmers take record of the card information. While this happens with the card, there will be a little unnoticeable camera close to the keypad recording your ATM Pin. Once this information gets into the wrong hands they have full control of your account and can withdraw as much as the ATM allows them to. This can happen even before you notice anything fishy and get your card blocked.
Tips to avoid ATM fraud
Also Read: Cards With Wi-Fi Symbols | Here’s How They Work |