Nadigudem police filed a case against against hero Ghattamneni Maesh Babu for acting in a liquor advertisement without the caution notice.
Bikshapati, SI of Nadigudem in Nalgonda district said on Friday that following a complaint from Toomu Sateesh Kumar of Tellapalli village that he was addicted to liquor seeing the advertisement of Mahesh Babu. The complainant further said he fell ill as a result he could not attend the interview. The SI said cases have been registered against the Royal Stag owner and distributor along with Mahesh Babu. He also said that action would be taken after consulting with the higher authorities.
Meanwhile, a petition had been filed in the Andhra Pradesh State Human Right Commission (APSHRC) against aesh Babu for acting in the liquor advertisement without the caution notice. His fans approached the HRC seeking action against Mahesh Babu in the advertisement of 'Royal Stag' brand whisky as there was no caution notice “liquor is injurious to health”. Admitting the petition, HRC chairman Justice Nisar Ahmed Kakru directed the DGP to submit a report before June 5 on the issue. The Nadigudem police filed the case against Mahesh Babu reacting to the HRC order.