
Election Commission Likely to Hold Huzurabad Bypolls After Diwali?

5 Sep, 2021 15:26 IST

Huzurabad Bypolls Date: The much-awaited by-elections for the Huzurabad assembly constituency seat in the state of Telangana are likely to be held only after November after the festivities end as per the Central Election of Commission(CEC) of India.

This was stated after they received requests from the Telangana state government and other State governments where by-polls are to be held, the CEC has decided not to hold by-elections for the Huzurabad seat for the time being.


 A statement to this effect was issued on Saturday.  In order to assess the feasibility of holding bye-elections in various States/UT, a meeting was held through video conferencing on September 1st with Chief Secretaries, senior officers from the Department of Health & Home Affairs, DGPs, and Chief Electoral Officers from concerned States/UT. The officials shared their inputs, constraints, issues and challenges in conducting bye-elections in their States/UT in view of the COVID-l9 pandemic, flood situation, and festivals in near future.

The Chief Secretaries of 11 States including Telangana brought to the notice of the Commission the constraints related to flood situations, festivals, and the COVID pandemic. They suggested that it would be advisable to have bye-elections after the end of the festival season.

Besides these, they also brought to the notice of the Commission that the Government of India, various research institutions, technical expert committees, and professionals have predicted the possibility of a third wave of COVID-19 from October onwards. Taking all these factors into consideration, it has announced that it has decided not to hold by-elections for the time being.

Widespread rains are lashing across the country due to the effect of the southwest monsoon. This apart Dussehra is celebrated in the third week of October and Diwali in the first week of November. The month of October, when experts warn of a third wave in the month of October. It is likely that the by-elections will be held in late November or early December.
