
Lensflix Productions Offers Free Wedding Packages for LGBTQ Community this Pride Month

5 Jun, 2022 10:02 IST

New Delhi: Marriage is the most exciting lifetiime event for everyone. On the contrary, it is a dream that never came true for many people, especially in India. Yes, what you just read is true. In the democratic country of India, where people have the supreme power and right to live as per their will, marriages in the LGBTQ community (marriages of the same sexuality) are not legal. On the other hand, it is even more difficult to get acceptance from the family, relatives, and society.

A poll conducted by Mood of the Nation (MOTN) revealed that more than 20% of the Indians agreed with same-sex marriages, 62% of the participants disagreed and 14% were undecided about same-sex marriages.


In India, such marriages are not legally recognized and same-sex couples will have limited rights such as a civil union or a domestic partnership. But, as per the report, 9% of the Indian population identifies themselves as bisexual, 3% population as homosexual (Including Lesbian and Gay), 2% as asexual, and 1% of the population as pansexual.

Hence finding professional and trustworthy wedding planners and photographers for such couples can make a huge difference on their wedding day! Many people find it challenging to find a professional who is willing to collaborate with them and make their special day memorable for all the right reasons. As LGBTQ marriages aren’t legally recognized in India, such couples celebrate their love with commitment ceremonies.

These days many people and communities are giving acceptance of same-sex marriages. But, Hiring wedding photographers for these ceremonies is especially costly because most wedding photographers refuse to capture LGBTQ weddings due to differences in their beliefs.

Lensflix Productions’ Free Wedding Packages for LGBTQ Community

To support the LGBTQ communities, Lensflix Productions is providing free wedding packages for such weddings. This assists and helps the community people to organize and celebrate their weddings. “Love and marriage are more than just words and traditions, and they cannot be restricted to gender, religion, caste, or age”, the time has changed and we should accept the way everyone is, this pride month we are also taking a small step towards this community, said Sumit Verma, Founder & Creative Director.

We are offering this offer and supporting their community as, same-sex marriages are not a crime anymore, and people are understanding and accepting of this community. Don’t hide behind the Constitution or the Religious beliefs. This pride month Lensflix Productions is taking the initiative to support LGBTQ community marriages Said DP Vishwakarma, Co-founder and Co-Managing Partner.

You may be planning a small, intimate wedding or may have a limited wedding budget. However, as professionals in the field, we will provide you with free wedding photography packages to make your wedding a memorable one. We will create a visual story of your special day that even your grandchildren will remember. We believe in encouraging the LGBTQ community to come forward and celebrate wholeheartedly.
