
A Unique Evangelical & Ecumenical Rally On Holy

27 Mar, 2024 10:43 IST

RUN FOR JESUS the biggest evangelical and ecumenical rally bringing together both the Catholic and Protestant Churches, primarily to proclaim the message of crucifixion and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ on the occasion of Good Friday and Easter. Thousands of Christians from all the churches come onto the roads by walking, running, and riding motorcycles/four-wheelers, waving flags and shouting with joy that "Christ is risen, indeed Christ is risen"

The concept of RUN FOR JESUS, A Unique Evangelical & Ecumenical Rally, was conceived and introduced by the Aradana TV Team in the year 2011. Initially, this Rally was organized in 30+ locations but now it is spread to over 500 locations on the same day and same time across AP, TS, parts of Karnataka and Maharashtra, and some locations Abroad. All the local Christians, Lay Leaders, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, and Heads of the Churches will be participating in their respective areas.


Over some time, it is observed that Churches, Christian leaders, and the community at large have started owning RFJ by voluntarily organizing the Rally on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter. Now we proudly announce that RFJ is being recognized and endorsed by the Federation of Telugu Churches (FTC), which is an Apex Body of Bishops / Heads of Catholic & Protestant Churches in A.P. & T.G., and thus RFJ has become a fully Christian community — owned event.

 However, Aradana TV continues to promote and coordinate this massive rally by working closely with the respective RFJ Leaders and Churches across the states.

This year, RUN FOR JESUS will be simultaneously held on Saturday 30th March 2024 from 6:00 am onwards. His Eminence Cardinal Poola Anthony, the Archbishop of Hyderabad Archdiocese, graciously agreed to flag off the run at Secunderabad. Many dignitaries from the Churches and State Government will be participating in this jubilant event at different locations.

 The Run culminates in great rejoicing at the respective locations with Praise and Worship conducted by the local Gospel Singers and the senior Pastors will deliver a short Easter message.

The organizers invite all the Christian brethren to come and participate in large numbers making the program a grand success and bringing glory to God Almighty.
