Nine Killed After Fire Breaks Out At COVID-19 Centre In Vijayawada
VIJAYAWADA: As many as four people were killed and several others injured in a massive fire that broke out at Swarna Palace Hotel in Vijayawada. The hotel is being used as a COVID-19 care centre.
The government is providing treatment for more than 50 patients who have tested positive for coronavirus in the hotel. Reports say that fire broke out at around 5 am today. The other COVID-19 patients in the hotel were rescued and have been shifted to Ramesh Hospitals.
Hotel staff were alerted immediately and it is said that the fire reportedly broke out due to a short circuit at the reception area. Fire engines were rushed to the hotel to battle the blaze.
Vijayawada CP Srinivasulu said that 4 people were killed and the death toll is likely to increase. He further added that 2 patients jumped down from upper floors and their condition is said to be critical. Ramesh Hospitals is using the Swarna Palace Hotel as COVID facility. The state government has recently converted this hotel into a COVID-19 treatment centre.
Minister Vellampally Srinivas asserted that, "Hospital management's negligence could have led to the mishap. Fire was put out quickly but since the inmates are COVID-19 patients and having breathing difficulties, the fire and smoke further worsened the situation."